/haunted home 
- an intro to my halloween shrine and all my personal stuff
/monsterous movies

- movies i love that are either halloween movies or general horror movies. perfect for the season!
/evil episodes 
- a collection of some of my favorite creepy or halloween-based episodes of series. a variety of genres from children's shows to adult swim
/horror habitats

- my log for places i go/have gone to during the halloween season (or even outside of it, that's just fits the theme)
/scary stories

- a pretty diverse selection of stories for the halloween season. creepypastas, actual books, short stories on the internet archive, etc.
/macabre music 
- my playlist of halloween music and links to radio stations/other playlists i vibe with. some info about songs/albums i like for the holiday too
/vile videos

- halloween videos from some content creators i enjoy or even channels themselves that always get me in the scary spirit
/ghostly graphics

- the big one. a collection of all the graphics i've collected for halloween
/frightening food 
- recipes and ideas for halloween food and drinks. foodshelf of halloween/autumn seasonal food products too!

- my little blorbos! listing of all my plushies that i own

- all my physical music media (excluding LOONA + post-LOONA collection)
/LOONA collection

- my LOONA + post-LOONA collection. albums, merch, photocards, etc.
/figure shelf

- my figure collection! layout based off a shelf

- my mother was a physical media collector and i have begun to be one as well. my DVD shelf with some information on the important ones

- my mother was a physical media collector and i have begun to be one as well. my DVD shelf with some information on the important ones

- misc. merchandise, ones that don't fit in other collections. keychains, buttons, etc. mostly sorted by fandom
- quotes that i love. i collect quotes that resonate with me from various sources
/photo log
- my adventures. photos of my life with minimal commentary
/my cats
- my precious kitty babies, a collection and shrine to them and my love for them
- i like collecting things, i love physical media, so why not make a list of stuff i want/plan to get?
/live log
- concerts and lives i have gone to. includes pics and vids when necessary
- love letters to some of my favorite things; might include outside links to separate sites if applicable!
- my fictional loves! includes some minishrines to my F/Os and information about my yumeships & experiences
/hello charlotte

- a love letter to my favorite rpg maker game of all time

- my favorite horror movie series, my thoughts and collections
↳ more coming soon!